Thursday, October 10, 2013 0 comments

Easy Ways : How To Become a PHP Programmer

I am a PHP Programmer. So yes I could say that I only know about it. Actually I learn every kinds of programming language on college. But this is how we work, "if you want to be a programmer, just focus on what language you want to study, choose one the most you like". For this reason, I focus on my Web Programming. It's maybe the easiest programming language as ever I study in college. That's why I choose it :p

Well, moving on, this is a simple ways how to become a php programmer. A Beginner of course. Level where you can start over from bottom. Note that this is not my tips but I get it from Wikihow. Enjoy!

Why Programming?

Well, from this moment on, I still find a lot of people who didn't want to be a programmer. Why? Because they think programming is hard. It might be true, but might not. Depend on what kind of people talk about it. For a common people who doesn't study about programming stuff, development a program could be a huge disaster for them. But for us as the student of Information System, should we worry about this? I guess no. Because from the start, we actually study how to kill it since the first step we made a decision to be a technical in IT.

Why should we be a programmer? We can do another job for example we can just using a computer as the way it is (maybe a job like IT staff) and earn some money without forcing our self to study a difficult language of programming?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 0 comments

I am a Programmer

I am a programmer. Maybe for all this time I spent to code a program. Many people who doesn't understand about it doesn't really know what I do. Here are some program that maybe you usually to use but not know how it is coming on, and where this is made of.

1. Applying for the job or school via online.
Yes, when you apply on the job where you just fill you name, email and such thing, those are a program.
Friday, October 4, 2013 0 comments

CNPS, Are You Ready?

Nah, here is way most people wanna be one of them. To become a civil worker, is more than anything in Indonesia nowadays. Furthermore, the payment they offer for jobs is above average. With only a few task they don't really do in their office, this is attract more people than becoming a worker in any work, which maybe the responsibility of their jobs is really hard.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 0 comments

New Schedule

Good news everyone! I start to study in My new college immediately. I was so happy then not to be patient when talking about this. From the past year I was hoping thing thing could happen and now it is happen! Yay!